Cookies Policy

The company CNALGES, headquartered at Passeio Marítimo de Algés 1495-165 Algés – Lisboa and registered with the Lisbon Commercial Registry under the unique corporate number 509 035 222, uses cookies to improve user performance and browsing experience.

Any internet browser allows the user to accept, refuse, or delete cookies through the browser settings. If you choose to disable cookies, some services on our site may no longer function, thus affecting your browsing experience on the sites.

Definition of Cookies

Cookies are short text files with relevant information that your browser processes when a website is visited by a user.

The placement of cookies helps the Site to recognize the user’s device (tablet, desktop, mobile, etc.) whenever they visit us. Cookies retain only information related to your preferences, not revealing personal data.

For your browsing experience to be optimized as much as possible, we recommend that you do not disable cookies. They increase the speed of response in navigation.

Types of Cookies

There are several types of cookies with different features and functions. They are: Essential cookies – They are quite important to access specific areas of the site allowing a correct navigation. Functionality cookies – Functionality cookies allow user preferences to be saved when visiting websites. In this way, it is not necessary to personalize the Site each time you visit it. Analytical cookies – This type of cookies allows you to analyze how users use the Site, to know the most popular pages and to monitor the performance of the site, making it possible to understand possible error messages on the site. Personal information will never be revealed.

On the Site you can find cookies from third parties, from companies that use our Site for analysis purposes, the sending of which to Sopromar has no control.